Quabbin Regional Middle School Social Studies
Students in grades 6-8 take Social Studies every year as one of their core courses.
Grade 6
Students in Grade 6 study World Geography and Ancient Civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Phoenecia, Sub-Saharan African states and societies, Early Indian and Central Asian civilizations, Early East Asian societies, Ancient China, Japan, and Korea.
Grade 7
Students in Grade 7 study World Geography and Ancient Civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Ancient Israel and Palestine, the Ancient Arabian Peninsula, Ancient societies of Central and South America, the first people of Australia and New Zealand, then heading into Europe, where they study Ancient and Classical Greece, Ancient and Classical Rome, and end with the Roman Republic and Roman Empire.
Grade 8
Students in Grade 8 build on their previous study of government in Greece and Rome, as they study the roots and foundations of democratic government through primary documents, such as the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions; how and why government institutions developed; how government evolves through legislation and court decisions; and how individuals exercise their rights and civic responsibilities to maintain a healthy democracy in the nation and the Commonwealth. 8th grade students cap off their Middle School Social Studies experience with a Civics project, culminating in a Showcase event in June.