Quabbin Regional High School
English Courses Offered
Students are required to successfully complete four years of English courses at Quabbin, including English 9; English 10; either AP Language and Composition or IB Literature Year 1; and either AP Literature or IB Literature Year 2; in order to meet their graduation requirements. Quabbin’s English 9 and English 10 courses follow the HMH Into Literature curriculum.
Core High School English Courses
English 9 Grade 9 Scope and Sequence
English 10 Grade 10 Scope and Sequence
AP English Language and Composition
IB English Literature Year 1 - Standard Level
IB English Literature Year 1 - Higher Level
IB English Literature Year 2 - Standard Level
IB English Literature Year 2 - Higher Level
AP English Literature and Composition
The following courses are offered for enrichment in English at the High School level.
Creative Writing: Writing in Genres
Human Studies and Cultural Identity
Mythology and Folklore
Gothic and the Macabre
Science Fiction: Technology and Society